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How to secure your ideal position in 2024

How to secure your ideal position in 2024

It’s a new year; for some of us, the first of January is an exciting time for possibility and rejuvenation. That being said, you could already be sick of making new year’s resolutions and feeling like you change ideal position completely by 2024.

We’re letting go of the unrealistic goal that this year we should completely transform into someone else. We’re concentrating on the more realistic idea of “new year, new career” instead.

Ideal Position

Maybe you shouldn’t read this article if you already enjoy your work. But according to a US report from 2021, only 7% of workers are pursuing their ideal occupations. With that, a staggering 93% of Americans are still searching for better opportunities.

Ideal Position

Similarly, a Le Cordon Bleu research discovered that more than half of British citizens wish to change careers, indicating that a sizable majority of British people do not already hold their ideal positions.

It appears that the majority of people may benefit from some career guidance. guidance on how to land their ideal employment this year, more precisely.

We’ll talk about what career success means to you, how to locate a position that aligns with your interests, abilities, and future goals, and what measures you can take to turn that dream into a reality.

What does career success mean to you?

The majority of people aspire to success. Success is, nevertheless, rather arbitrary. Not everyone aspires to achieve the conventional definitions of professional success, such as climbing the corporate ladder and earning a big income. It’s important to be truthful with yourself. What comes to mind when you consider success?

We’ll go over a few of the several strategies for job success below. While there is no right or incorrect way to feel, defining success for yourself should help you identify the ideal position.

Read More:Top teacher interview questions to help you land the job

Striking the right work-life balance

Have you ever asked yourself if you should live for work or work for life? There is a noticeable difference between the two. “Living to work” entails focusing your entire life on your career, whereas “working to live” refers to selecting a career that allows you to live the life you want.

Striking the right work-life balance

Here’s where work-life harmony comes into play. Your work should ideally enhance your life. A person who prefers to live a leisurely lifestyle and spend more time with family would be more suited to work in a small team locally or even remotely, while someone who loves to spend their nights touring a city might be more comfortable in London’s fast-paced office environment.

You might also think about whether a more flexible schedule will suit you better or if you’re ok working from 9 to 5. If you’re a night owl, working nights may be ideal for you. Essentially, striking the ideal work-life balance for you and your situation is a necessary component of succeeding in your profession.

Reaching your desired salary

Let’s face it: most of the time, our motivation for working comes from money. The quantity of money required by each individual to feel content, however, varies widely. Some people want to be successful only when they achieve a certain income threshold, while others only want to be able to support themselves comfortably.

Now is the moment to consider how much money you really need to be happy. Your professional goals must include a sizable salary if you want to live a luxurious lifestyle. If, on the other hand, you don’t value money as highly, you might not need to take that into account while choosing a career.

Achieving your professional goals

If you’re someone who is driven by their work, you might have some aspirations for your job. This may undoubtedly influence your career planning and, in the end, the jobs you choose.

Several instances of career objectives include

  • Launching a company
  • Acquiring coding knowledge
  • Obtaining a certification in a certain field
  • Developing one’s public speaking confidence.

If you haven’t chosen a career yet, it could be beneficial to consider your professional objectives, if you have any, and see if they can serve as a guide. If you’re interested, the University of Leeds and Institute of Coding’s Essential Skills for Your Career Development course could help you identify some objectives.

Finding your purpose in life

Though philosophers, scientists, and religious authorities have argued over the meaning of life throughout history, this idea may actually help you figure out what success means to you. You should ask yourself a lot of questions in this situation. What wakes you up in the morning? What can you bring to the world? What motivates you?

Finding your purpose in life

Finding your own purpose in life may help you choose the best professional route. Your life’s work could involve helping others, amusement, wildlife protection, or technological advancement, for instance. It really is your decision! You will most likely feel successful if you believe you are living out your life’s mission.

Does everyone have a ‘dream job’?

It’s true that not everyone has their ideal job, and that’s acceptable. You can still gain from working in a career that closely matches your requirements, desires, circumstances, and passions even if you don’t have your ideal job. Thus, you can still benefit from the counsel and pointers in this article if you’re dissatisfied in any manner with your current employment.

How to find the perfect job for you

Time to give some thought exercises a go. It is hoped that by asking yourself some of these questions, you will be able to better understand who you are and determine which career route is best for you. Now let’s get started.

Think back to your childhood dreams

As a child, what did you aspire to be? A pop singer, astronaut, or fairy, perhaps? Reconnecting with yourself can be achieved through thinking back on your childhood aspirations and desires.

Even though your goals have probably changed drastically, you might still have something to learn from your earlier self. For instance, you might want to consider working in the entertainment industry again if your dream was to become a singing and dancing sensation.

What are your interests and passions?

The most obvious piece of advise when trying to identify your ideal career is probably to think about your hobbies and passions, and for good reason. When preparing their careers, far too many people neglect their passions because they don’t feel like their dreams will come true. To be content, you must, nevertheless, take an interest in your work to some extent.

Having said that, you are not required to turn your greatest interest into your career. In order to preserve the enjoyable aspect, some people would rather maintain their greatest interests outside from their jobs.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

It is a good idea to ask yourself this question in addition to the previous one. When determining your perfect career, it can be beneficial to think about your passions, but it’s also important to take into account your talents and shortcomings.


That being said, you don’t have to be skilled at anything in order to enjoy it. But if you only work to get money, you won’t likely have a long-lasting career if you don’t have both potential talent and enthusiasm in the field you’ve chosen.

You might also rule out various jobs by considering your deficiencies. Unable to remain motionless? Steer clear of office work. Introverted and shy? Avoid jobs that involve clients or customers.

Reflect on previous job experiences

In terms of our careers, not one of us is starting from zero. What then can we draw from the lessons of the past? Take stock of your past employment experiences, noting your successes and failures as well as your likes and dislikes.

There might be some patterns that show up, or you might learn something unexpected. By examining your previous employment and experiences, you ought to be able to have a better grasp of what truly drives you.

Talk to your loved ones

Our friends and relatives may occasionally know us better than we do. Why not find out from your loved ones what kind of career they believe you’d be good at if you think this would be the case for you? They may be able to identify traits and qualities in you that you have never noticed.

Naturally, if you want actual counsel, attempt to ask someone you can trust. You don’t want to choose a profession that your parents would have preferred!

Do a trial run

Maybe you have a few ideas about your perfect job already. You just wish there was a way of doing a trial run…

We’ve got the perfect solution. Why not try one of our online courses specifically targeted at introducing you to a new career path? Take a look at our wide range of courses below.

Introductory career courses

  • Bloomsbury’s Introduction to Careers in Fashion Design
  • Get Ready for a Future Career in Software DevelopmentExplore the University of Reading’s
  • “Pathways to Property: Starting Your Career in Real Estate” Foundation for Real Estate
  • Veterinary Industry Careers by Learning Lounge
  • The University of Law’s Guide to Becoming a Lawyer
  • Launch Your Career in Healthcare: University of Leicester’s Online Work-Related Learning
  • Training to Become a Dentist at Glasgow University
  • Kingston University’s book Survive & Thrive as a Creative Freelancer: A Beginner’s Guide London
  • Bloomsbury and Fairchild Books, “Careers in Fashion: Retail Marketing, Merchandising, and Management”
  • Study Medicine: How to Apply to the University of Glasgow’s Medical School and Become a Medical Student
  • The University of Law’s Guide to Becoming a Police Officer in England and Wales
    Swiss Education Group’s Guide on Opening a Restaurant

How to land your dream job

Finding your ideal career is just the first step in the process. The next stage is to land it, or at the very least, land a job that sets you up for success in your career. We can’t expect to land our ideal careers immediately, after all.

1. Research, research, research!

Research is the first and most crucial task you must complete; attempt to learn as much as you can about the job path you have selected. What credentials are required? Do you require prior experience? Which abilities must you acquire? Knowing what to do next will rely on the specific job path you’ve picked, so be informed.

Fortunately, we’ve already done a lot of the legwork for you. View our helpful guides below for a variety of job paths.

Career advice articles

  • How to work as a pharmacist
  • How to enter the creative industry as a freelancer
  • How to work in early childhood education
  • Ways to train as a veterinary nurse
  • How to write content: A guide
  • How to find employment in the fashion sector
  • Which type of educator ought I to be?
  • How to work in the cosmetics industry
  • How to support cancer patients as an oncology nurse
  • How to enter the gaming business
  • How to start a profitable blog
  • Advice from the NHS on how to pursue a career in mental health nursing

2. Upskill and get some experience

Given the amount of consideration you’ve given to your career choice, it’s possible that you already possess the knowledge and expertise needed for the position. If that’s not the case, don’t worry! Everybody has to begin someplace.

It’s time to apply for that degree, start an apprenticeship, or check out some online courses that can help you improve your skills so you can succeed in your work. Furthermore, gaining practical experience in your chosen sector is crucial to honing the necessary abilities and demonstrating your suitability to companies.

You may try volunteering, trying to obtain work experience, or just practicing your area of expertise, be it writing, gardening, coding, or something else totally.

2. Perfect your CV, cover letter and application skills

It’s time to start applying once you have the qualifications and experience needed for the position you have selected. For each job that you are applying for, it is imperative that you produce a CV that is concise, personalized, and professional. To apply for a creative or artistic position, you must also polish your portfolio.

Additionally, some positions could ask you to complete work-related tasks, create a cover letter, or respond to particular inquiries. All of these abilities can be mastered in our courses at CQ University, Work Ready abilities: Job Searches, Writing a CV and Interviewing, and Lulea University of Technology, Career Planning Essentials: Unlock Your Future.

3. Master the job interview process

This relates to the last section, but conducting effective interviews is a skill in and of itself. An interview is a requirement for almost every job. Occasionally, companies will conduct high-stress tests of your knowledge and abilities, but other times they will be more relaxed get-to-know-you discussions.

In any case, it’s wise to be organized. Consider your possible responses in advance, thoroughly investigate the business, and never forget that you’re attempting to determine whether YOU want to work for THEM as well, not just the other way around.

You can get helpful guidance from the University of Sheffield in our course, “How to Succeed at: Interviews,” or you can read our post for a list of frequently asked interview questions.

4. Start networking

If you don’t want to work in business, creating a professional network may seem daunting and pointless, but it can really be as easy as reaching out to others in your industry. Making connections can open up new doors for you and even boost your self-esteem.

An artist could network, for instance, by attending art events and leaving comments on the social media posts of other artists. A nurse can build their network by contacting professionals in fields they are interested in, shadowing professionals, or joining associations for their profession.

Join us for further information in our courses, Sisterhood Works: How to Build a further Meaningful Network and Building Effective Professional Networks and Relationships.

5. Review your social media accounts

Examining your social media accounts can help you obtain your dream job, albeit it won’t be relevant for every professional path. You don’t want to be rejected by employers because of some old, shady tweets or pictures.

Because of this, it’s advisable to keep your social media accounts private unless you use them especially for business purposes or make sure they present you in a favorable way.

6. Visualise yourself achieving your goals

With so many health and lifestyle gurus promoting the idea that anyone can attract good fortune into their life by simply thinking it into existence, or manifesting it, the concept of manifestation has been increasingly popular in recent years.

Although there is some debate surrounding the concept of manifestation, visualization has been shown to improve attitudes, actions, and even results. The technique of visualizing something in your mind is called visualization, and research has shown that it can be effective. For instance, visualisation exercises are used by athletes to improve their training, performance in competition, and recuperation.

The concept of manifestation has gained a lot of traction in recent years, with numerous health and lifestyle experts claiming that everyone canNow that you’ve identified your ideal role, why not give some visualization exercises a shot? Imagine getting a job offer, see yourself acing the interview, and envision yourself working for the organization. After all, some psychologists think that seeing is believing.

We believe that Allbright’s course, Believe, Build, Become: How to Supercharge your Career, could be a wonderful place to start if you’re looking to gain the correct mindset and confidence for effective visualisation. This comprehensive course, which was created with women in mind, will assist you in realizing your full professional potential.n attract prosperity into their existence if they materialize it; that is, the process of thinking something into existance.

Your future awaits…

You now possess the resources and know-how necessary to get things started. It is up to you what to do next. You will probably gain from having a profession that feels in line with your goals, passions, strengths, and lifestyle whether or not you have a dream job.

If we are going to spend a significant portion of our life at work, why not make the most of it?

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