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Top 10 leadership communication tips: How to speak like a leader

leadership communication

What images come to mind when you consider effective leadership? Excellent judgment? speeches that draw a crowd in? Or maybe an aggressive and daring mindset? Whatever it is, it is obvious that the foundation of excellent leadership is strong leadership communication communication abilities.

Being an educated, diligent, confident, and inquisitive person certainly helps, but being a successful leader truly comes down to having strong communication skills no matter where you are. There has never been a better moment to hone your communication skills, whether you’re an executive, manager, or just want to improve your leadership abilities. We’ll look at the importance of communication in leadership and how to improve it in this article.

Leadership communication 

The skill of leading a group of people toward a common goal through inspiration, vision, and sound decision-making is known as leadership. A effective leader possesses a strong sense of purpose, honesty, adaptability, and strong communication abilities. Effective communication is essential for leaders to present a convincing vision and encourage teamwork. Integrity is fundamental because it allows leaders to gain the respect and trust of their followers by continuously upholding moral principles.


A crucial trait for leaders is adaptability, which helps them overcome obstacles and guide their groups through change. A successful leader recognizes and capitalizes on the variety of abilities among team members to build an inclusive and pleasant culture. Effective leaders prioritize their followers’ development and recognize that leadership is more than just having power.Being a leader is an ongoing process of learning and growth. Prominent leaders exhibit traits such as empathy, resilience, and humility, realizing that the team’s combined accomplishments determine actual success. Leadership is about motivating people to realize their full potential and making a positive, long-lasting impression, whether in the corporate, political, or other spheres.

Read More:What distinguishes management from leadership?

Why is communication important in leadership?

It is evident from an Economist Intelligence Unit analysis on workplace communication barriers that communication has a significant influence on work.

Similarly, according to a Forbes Advisor survey, more than 40% of workers claimed that inadequate communication decreased their stress levels, job satisfaction, and productivity.

Here are a few more reasons why you should care about communication as a leader who interacts with stakeholders, customers, managers, and team members.

  • Great teams have great communication. Teams that collaborate, listen to one another, and feel free to express their thoughts tend to come up with the finest ideas.
  • Clear communication means more creativity. Encouraging diverse ideas, approaches, and fresh perspectives fosters an inventive and dynamic work atmosphere.
  • Leaders who communicate effectively are seen as more trustworthy. 54% of remote workers and 43% of on-site workers, respectively, stated that a lack of communication affected their confidence in the leadership. Effective communicators have a higher chance of earning people’s trust.
  • Effective communication is the foundation to great leadership.Effective communication is the first step toward reaching your goals as an individual and as a team.

Leadership communication tips

In what way then do you communicate as a leader? We appreciate you asking. These ten pointers will help you get started on enhancing your leadership communication abilities.

1. Don’t underestimate the importance of clarity

Clarity is paramount, as any expert is aware. In many positions, the ability to simplify complex ideas into clear concepts is essential; this is also true in leadership roles.

It is important to communicate in a way that your target audience can understand, whether it be in person, over the phone, over email, or during a video chat.

It won’t matter what you’re writing about; just make sure to use simple, uncomplicated language.

2. Listen

“Listen to comprehend, do not respond.” Never were more true words expressed.

Active listening is one of the soft talents that is sometimes overlooked, despite its apparent nature. It isn’t as dramatic as public speaking, and at times it seems too easy to have an effect. However, it does.


Practice listening intently throughout talks. This includes putting your emphasis on what they’re saying rather than what you need to say next, avoiding distractions, and clarifying their points of view with your questions.

3. Pay attention to your body language

Effective communication involves not only what you say but also how you express it.

Think about this situation. The same message is conveyed by two distinct persons; one appears assured and approachable, while the other appears a little reticent. Why? The delivery is everything.

Body language is important. Even if what you’re saying hasn’t changed, making direct eye contact, leaning in, moving your hands, or keeping them by your sides all matter.

4. Consider the platform

There has never been more variety in workplace communication thanks to the growth of remote and hybrid work. It’s critical to have clear communication across all platforms.

Consider the platform

Could we have that Zoom meeting by email? Is your live presentation interesting and educational? Does your target audience possess all the necessary information? These are but a handful of the questions you should begin considering.

5. Think about your audience

Similarly, consider carefully who you are speaking to.

Depending on who you’re speaking to—a group, an individual, clients, coworkers, or a possible new hire—how you communicate will probably change.

6. Be empathetic

Similarly, consider carefully who you are speaking to.
Remarkably, over 69% of managers find it difficult to interact with staff members. Even while the number is startling, it is also obvious that manager-employee communication needs to be improved.

Empathy is the foundation of great communication. Recognizing that some talks are more difficult to conduct does not imply that they have to be difficult, convoluted, or icy. The same holds true for regular check-ins.

Like any successful organization, communication that prioritizes people above policies will always be successful.
Depending on who you’re speaking to—a group, an individual, clients, coworkers, or a possible new hire—how you communicate will probably change.

7. Stick to your word

It should go without saying, but keeping your word greatly contributes to the development of confidence in your leadership. If it’s not already best practice, now is the perfect time to start following through on your commitments.

Stick to your word

Additionally, attempt to notify the appropriate parties when plans alter, as they frequently do. Maintaining open channels of communication only strengthens the team and fosters a climate of trust at work.

8. Get comfortable asking questions

Socrates was onto something. No one expects you to know everything, and great leaders aren’t experts either. Your experiences, whether professional or not, can be enhanced by posing questions and remaining receptive to new information from others. Thus, ask if you’re unsure.

9. Embrace different communication styles

At least one of these four communication styles—analytical, intuitive, personal, and functional—is probably already familiar to you.

These communication styles examine several modes of communication for those who are unfamiliar with them.

  • The analytical communicator focuses on the details, facts, figures and logic.
  • The intuitive communicator looks at the bigger picture and will often use quite visual language.
  • The personal communicator centres their emotions and will most likely use emotive language.
  • The functional communicator focuses on the “how”, meaning the processes and plans of action.

Knowing these four communication types enables you to embrace alternating between various communication styles as necessary, as well as put complementing communicators together.

10. Embrace feedback

One thing is certain—you will make mistakes as a leader. Feedback is therefore crucial.

It’s a common misperception that as you advance in your career, you’ll have less opportunities to receive feedback, but this need not be the case.

Look for ways to get input, such as through surveys, one-on-one meetings, or informal discussions.


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