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Ten careers in criminology

Ten careers in criminology

Are you curious about how crime affects society and the mentality that motivates criminal behavior? If so, you might have thought about Ten careers in criminology.

Even while a criminology degree might seem specialized at first, the knowledge and abilities you acquire during your studies can be put to use in a wide range of fascinating fields and positions.

careers in criminology

In order to give you an idea of the Ten careers in criminology options open to you after you have honed your skills in the study of crime, we will look at the occupations that can be obtained with a criminology degree in this article.

What is careers in criminology?

The scientific study of crime and criminals is known as criminology. It entails investigating preventative measures in addition to analyzing the causes and effects of crime.

With elements of psychology, law, sociology, and biology, criminology is a multidisciplinary field. The legal and criminal justice systems, the effects of crime on society, and the motivations behind criminal behavior will all be covered in the coursework.

With a specialized focus on crime, criminology offers graduates of psychology and sociology comparable skill sets. Thus, you will be studying both theory and application.

What will you study as part of a criminology degree?

You will take a wide range of modules in your criminology degree program. Among these are:

  • The environment of criminal justice
  • Social laws
  • Methods of social research
  • Crime, society, and transformation
  • The crime sociology

Coursework, essays, tests, projects, dissertations, and presentations will all be used to evaluate these modules.

You will gain certain important career-specific skills during and after your studies, such as understanding of society and criminal justice. You’ll also pick up some social research skills. But you’ll also pick up a ton of transferrable abilities that you may use in a wide variety of professions.

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What jobs can you get with a criminology degree?

There are numerous employment options available to you if you have a degree in criminology. Some will be more focused on the transferrable skills you’ve learned, while others will be directly related to the expertise you’ve developed as a criminologist.

jobs can you get with a criminology degree

1. Civil service administrator

You will contribute to the daily operations of the nation by implementing government policies and providing essential services to the general public. Working closely with the public, you’ll frequently have the opportunity to significantly touch people’s lives by conducting significant research and producing in-depth reports.

The management of human resources, financial allocations, and daily operations is greatly aided by civil service administrators. They might oversee employees, create and carry out organizational strategies, and make sure that all legal and regulatory requirements are met. Furthermore, in maintaining the values of responsibility and honesty within the public service, as well as developing a healthy work environment, these administrators are essential.

Civil service administrators work to address community needs and improve overall governance as public servants by participating in the formulation and execution of public policy. The seamless operation of government agencies and, eventually, the provision of vital services to residents depend on their capacity to negotiate intricate bureaucratic processes, work with varied teams, and adjust to changing difficulties.

2. Community development worker

Working in community development will enable you to better the lives of local residents and assist communities in enacting social change. Working with individuals, families, and communities is a part of this. The projects you’ll work on will combat inequality and assist people who are disadvantaged due to their location or economic status.

A community development professional is an essential agent of change in their local community. This committed individual is essential in recognizing, comprehending, and resolving the particular needs and difficulties that community members encounter. The community development worker collaborates closely with local authorities, organizations, and individuals to design and carry out projects that improve the community’s general cohesiveness and well-being.

These professionals frequently carry out needs assessments, plan neighborhood gatherings, and lobby pertinent parties for funding and assistance. Their responsibilities also include encouraging social inclusion, empowering people to actively engage in decision-making processes, and developing collaboration among various community groups. Community development professionals contribute to the sustainable development of their communities by creating.

3. Crime scene investigator

It will be your responsibility to gather forensic evidence from crime scenes in order to identify and then prosecute offenders. This will entail gathering, logging, and retrieving evidence. Following that, the evidence you collect will be utilized in court.

Crime scene investigators attempt to piece together the events leading up to a crime using forensic methods and cutting-edge technology. This aids law enforcement in deciphering the chronology of events and locating possible suspects. As part of their job, they frequently cooperate with other forensic experts to piece together a complete picture of the crime, including forensic scientists and DNA analysts.

CSIs need to be technically proficient, but they also need to be highly detail-oriented, capable of critical thought, and knowledgeable about legal processes. Their job is crucial to both the investigation of criminal activity and the maintenance of an impartial and just judicial system since they can be asked to testify in court on the evidence they have gathered. In general, crime scene investigators are essential to the fight for justice.

4. Detective

Your job as a detective will be to solve crimes and apprehend offenders. As a result, in addition to figuring out how to stop them, you’ll need to comprehend how crooks think and act.

In order to guarantee that justice is done, detectives are also essential. They must not only capture criminals but also make a strong legal argument in court. In order to avoid having to testify about their conclusions during court processes, detectives must communicate well and pay close attention to detail.

Detectives need to be highly skilled in criminal law, ethics, and the pursuit of justice, in addition to their investigative abilities. Their commitment to investigating crimes and prosecuting offenders has a substantial positive impact on the safety and wellbeing of the communities they serve.

5. Forensic psychologist

A forensic psychologist interviews suspects and convicted criminals to help understand their motives and the reasons for their behaviour. You’ll work with all aspects of the criminal justice system.

Forensic psychologist

6. Police officer

You’ll be responsible for enforcing the law and protecting the general public, including both detecting and preventing crime. A police officer will also fill out and file reports after an incident has happened.

7. Prison officer

Responsible for the custody, care, and welfare of prisoners, your main duties will be based around keeping prisoners safe. Whether it’s carrying out security checks or doing search procedures, you’ll play an important role in the smooth running of prison operations.

8. Probation officer

You’ll manage offenders to protect the public and reduce the risk of reoffending. You’ll work in courts, in the community, and while people are in custody. Ultimately, your main goal is to help offenders make better life choices.

9. Social worker

As a social worker, you’ll help to support individuals and their families through difficult periods in their lives. This involves making sure that vulnerable people are safe and they get the support they need to find solutions to their problems.

10. Victim liaison officer

Victim liaison officers work with victims of serious violent or sexual offences where the offender receives a prison sentence of 12 months or more. You’ll make sure that victims are kept up-to-date with the key stages of sentencing and that their concerns and views are heard.

Victim liaison officer

Other jobs you can do once you’ve got your criminology degree include:

  • Adult guidance worker
  • Aid worker
  • Border Force officer
  • Charity officer
  • Counsellor
  • Housing manager/officer
  • Journalist
  • Local government officer
  • Paralegal
  • Political risk analyst
  • Social researcher
  • Solicitor

What is the average salary for criminology graduates?

After completing your degree, your salary will depend on the sector you enter. For example, if you choose to become a forensic scientist, your salary will be approximately £24,197, while the average salary of a community development worker is between £23,000 and £29,000.

Careers in criminology: additional learning

If you’re ready to dig deep into the world of crime and positively contribute to society, then grab your magnifying glass and take a closer look at some of the crime and criminology courses we offer at FutureLearn.

From forensics to the criminal justice system, our courses will help you to develop your criminology skills and knowledge in line with your studies.

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