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How to work in digital marketing

Digital Marketing

How to work in digital marketing

Explore the path to becoming a digital marketer as we uncover digital marketing skills, digital marketing roles, a step-by-step guide and more.

How to work in digital marketing? The significance of a digital marketer’s position is growing as companies compete for the interest of online consumers. Because the digital marketing is so important to our daily lives, the field of digital marketing has grown to be dynamic and ever-expanding, embracing a wide range of activities targeted at promoting and selling goods and services.

Digital marketers are the masterminds behind online success, handling everything from paid advertising campaigns to search engine optimization and intriguing content initiatives. We’ll lead you through all the necessary steps to launch a successful career in digital marketing in this tutorial.

What is digital marketing?

The process of advertising goods or services online is known as digital marketing. This area of marketing makes use of digital technology such as the Internet to interact with target consumers, build brand awareness, and encourage purchases.

There are many different career paths in this industry, and each one has a special way of interacting with digital platforms.

What roles are there in digital marketing? 

Because there are so many distinct digital platforms, the duties and obligations will change based on your exact position. Let’s examine some of the various employment alternatives that are accessible and what they include.

What roles are there in digital marketing? 

Social media manager

Social networking sites are excellent resources for building relationships with clients. In your role as social media manager, you will be in charge of a brand’s online presence, content curation, follower engagement, and performance tracking.

Content marketer

In the field of digital marketing, content is crucial since it provides an innovative marketing strategy. To draw in and keep audiences interested, content marketers provide interesting and timely content for social media, blogs, and videos.

SEO specialist

A high search engine ranking is mostly dependent on search engine optimization, or SEO. SEO experts refine the content of websites to increase organic traffic and improve search engine results page (SERP) prominence.

Email marketing specialist

A key component of digital marketing is email, also known as customer relationship management (CRM), which provides a more focused method of reaching out to customers. In order to increase conversions, email marketing experts create and implement email campaigns, maintain subscriber lists, and examine open and click-through rates.

Pay-per-click (PPC) specialist

A key component of many marketing strategy is paid advertising. PPC experts oversee advertising campaigns on Facebook Ads and Google Ads to draw in target

What does a digital marketer do?

Your function and organization will determine the specific daily duties you have in digital marketing. Let’s examine some typical activities that digital marketers carry out.

Market research

A solid grasp of your target market and competitors is the first step towards effective digital marketing. Investigating the inclinations and actions of your intended audience is known as market research. Take into account factors such as client wants, pain spots, and rival activities.

Content creation

Digital marketing is built on content. It can be in the form of articles, films, infographics, blog posts, or social media updates, among other formats. Creative thinking, in-depth audience knowledge, and effective message delivery are all combined in this channel.

Data analysis

In the world of digital marketing, data is essential for making defensible judgments and determining success. Analyzing this data allows us to gauge how successful marketing strategies are. Data analysis sheds light on what is and is not working as well as areas that could use better.

Data analysis

Digital marketers will need to pull and analyze this data, as well as contribute to various reports and share these insights with the rest of the team.

Planning and strategy

To guarantee success across all platforms, digital marketing requires extensive planning and strategic thinking. Digital marketers will plan and strategize and decide on the most effective ways to market their goods and services. Here, having a solid awareness of your company and its channels is essential.

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How to get into digital marketing

Here are some initial actions you may take if you think a job in digital marketing would be a good fit for you.

6 steps to becoming a digital marketer


  1. Research channels

Learn about every digital marketing channel that is currently accessible first. Take a deep dive into paid advertising, SEO, email marketing, content marketing, and social media. Determine which channels fit your hobbies and professional objectives.

  1. Online courses

Enrolling in an online course that addresses the essential elements of digital marketing is an excellent method to begin developing the abilities and understanding required to enter the field. To assist you in getting started, FutureLearn provides digital marketing courses from prestigious universities and business professionals.

  1. Digital marketing degrees

After learning more about digital marketing and determining it’s the field for you, you might want to think about getting a degree in the field. Consider getting an online degree if you want to fit your studies around other obligations.

  1. Apprenticeships and internships

In the field of digital marketing, real-world experience is a highly valued commodity. Digital marketing agencies and in-house marketing teams provide internships and apprenticeships that let you learn from seasoned pros and earn credentials in addition to fulfilling your job obligations.

  1. Build a portfolio

Make a portfolio to highlight your accomplishments in digital marketing. Provide samples of your own content creation, campaign management, and successful outcomes. To demonstrate your knowledge throughout the interview process, a well-organized portfolio is quite helpful.

  1. Stay up-to-date with industry trends

The field of digital marketing is always changing. It’s crucial to keep up with the newest trends and technologies as a result. Networking with marketing experts, attending webinars, and reading trade blogs are some ways to achieve this.

What qualifications do you need for a digital marketing career?

Although a degree may be required for various employment sectors, it’s not necessarily required to work in digital marketing. In this field, experience and skills are especially valued, therefore building specific qualifications with a portfolio will help you land a job. Online course certifications are an excellent method to demonstrate your abilities and commitment.

A degree in digital marketing is not necessarily required, but it can improve your reputation and expertise. To position yourself for success in this field, a variety of marketing degrees as well as other pertinent options, such business degrees, are offered.

What skills do you need for a digital marketing career?

Now that we are aware of what digital marketing is all about and how to enter the field, let’s look at the abilities that a great digital marketer will possess.

Analytical skills

As we’ve covered, the foundation of digital marketing is frequently analytical thinking. Making actionable insights requires the use of data analytics, which is a requirement for digital marketers. Analytical abilities are crucial whether you’re monitoring social media participation, email campaign performance, or website traffic.


The secret to producing compelling material is creativity. The capacity to provide pertinent information that draws viewers in and encourages interaction is essential in today’s distracted environment.

Tech skills

Digital marketing is primarily dependent on a number of platforms and tools. In order to effectively traverse the content management systems, analytics platforms, social media dashboards, and marketing automation tools that you’ll encounter in your daily work, it is imperative that you possess a strong technological aptitude.

Communication skills

A key component of every position in digital marketing is communication. The ability to communicate ideas through written and visual content is essential, whether you’re writing a blog post that will grab readers’ attention, writing a screenplay for a video, or interacting with your social media audience. Perhaps even more crucially, you will regularly need to communicate strategies and findings to different stakeholders inside your organization.

Communication Skills


We now understand that the field of digital marketing is constantly changing. Because new trends, technologies, and algorithms appear on a regular basis, flexibility is a crucial quality in this industry. To continue being effective, digital marketers must remain flexible, adjust to changes, and pursue ongoing education.

Why should you work in digital marketing?

Are you still not convinced if a career in digital marketing is appropriate for you? Jobs in digital marketing provide a number of advantages and fascinating chances. Let’s look at a few of the reasons you ought to think about pursuing a career in digital marketing.

  • Demand: In the present competitive employment market, having digital marketing abilities is extremely desirable and opens up a lot of professional prospects.
  • Diverse opportunities:There are many different career options available in the flexible sector of digital marketing. Whether you have a strong interest in social media management, data analysis, or content development, there is a position in the digital marketing industry that is ideal for you.
  • Creativity:Innovative thinking is fostered by digital marketing. Among other enjoyable creative tasks, you’ll have the chance to build inventive marketing strategies and produce captivating content.
  • Learning environment:We talked about how the field of digital marketing is always changing and offers new chances for career and personal development. There are fresh challenges and learning opportunities every day.
  • Global reach:With digital marketing, you may connect with people all around the world. This line of work offers flexibility and the chance to collaborate with clients all around the world, not to mention the possibility of working remotely.

Master digital marketing with FutureLearn

An intriguing and impactful campaign to work on, a wide range of options, and the possibility to make a major contribution to a company’s success are all part of a satisfying and successful career in digital marketing.

Check out our selection of online courses in digital marketing if you’re prepared to embark on your career-ready skillset. This is where your career as a digital marketer starts.

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