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An overview of marketing via social media in 2024

An overview of marketing via social media in 2024

Whether we like it or not, social media plays a significant role in our everyday lives. More than half of people worldwide have social media accounts, and more than 70% of people in the UK actively use social media, according to a Global WebIndex research. Considering these figures, it is evident that social media marketing is an essential digital marketing strategy, and it will only become more effective with time. We’ll cover the what, how, and why of social media marketing in this post so you can use social media to your advantage and change the way you approach digital marketing.

social media

What is social media marketing? 

Let’s start by talking about what social media marketing is. It is defined as an assortment of websites, platforms, and apps inside an online community that facilitates the production and exchange of contacts, material, and information. To put it another way, it’s the process of using social networking sites to increase website traffic.

The field makes use of a broad variety of social media platforms, such as social networks, wikis, blogs, and forums. Social media marketers’ main responsibilities include planning and executing marketing campaigns on social media platforms, which include posting content, interacting with followers, monitoring social media analytics to determine campaign effectiveness, and running social media ads.

With Accenture’s Digital abilities: Social Media course, you can learn about social media and hone your digital abilities. Alternatively, you can find something that works for you by looking through our amazing selection of social media courses.

Read More:Ten reasons to learn about digital marketing

The types of social media marketing

Considering the sheer number of social media channels available, social media marketing can play a very broad function. Your social media marketing strategy needs to take into account the unique ways that various social media platforms operate, as well as the various content types and target demographics they appeal to.


One of the best and most affordable ways to leverage social media marketing is by creating a Facebook profile. It is the most widely used social media platform available, with over 2.7 billion monthly active users, and is therefore essential to any social media marketing plan.


Nonetheless, Facebook offers more than just that. Companies may use Facebook for a variety of marketing strategies in addition to creating a Facebook business page to aid in the development of a brand identity. They can also use Facebook adverts to drive traffic to their page and make sponsored posts.

Facebook is a great platform for targeting a variety of demographics because it is used by people of all ages. Nonetheless, the age group of users between 25 and 35 makes up the majority. Men make up 56% of users as of 2021, therefore the distribution of users is quite even.


Instagram is another hugely popular social media platform and a fantastic avenue for business promotion. According to Oberon’s estimation, 71% of American businesses are presently using Instagram, indicating the platform’s widespread popularity and effectiveness as a marketing tool.

Instagram is used by many businesses as a sort of product catalog. They post images that align with their brand’s look as well as customer-taken pictures of themselves using the products—a practice known as “user-generated content.” As an alternative, businesses may use Instagram to promote their brand, host contests to increase their following, and produce sponsored photos.

Instagram offers a wide range of features and tools that can help you, whether you want to use them to promote your business, work with influencers to target a specific audience with your products, or build a fun brand narrative on Instagram stories.


If you’re making lengthier videos, YouTube is a terrific option because, surprise of surprises, it has more active monthly users.

Companies have options for using influencer marketing and paid YouTube advertising in addition to creating videos on their own channel. Since influencers frequently make sponsored videos in which they mention or use a certain brand, this might be a fantastic way to reach a particular audience.

Google is in charge of overseeing YouTube advertising. Establishing a Google AdWords account is required before you can start a YouTube campaign.

Other social media platforms

  • LinkedIn.LinkedIn, the largest business-oriented social media site, may assist companies in connecting with clients, hiring exceptional staff, establishing a professional online presence, and establishing credibility.
  • TikTok:TikTok is the social media network that is expanding at the quickest rate ever. It is particularly well-liked by Gen-Z audiences. You may utilize strategies like influencer marketing and publishing brief instructional videos to increase your following.
  • Snapchat:Snapchat is also popular with younger audiences. Posting videos about company operations or actual customer tales, for instance, can help promote brand awareness on the platform.
  • Pinterest:  Like Instagram, Pinterest favors image content and has about 500 million users. Products can be promoted on Pinterest since users often make purchases there.

Why is social media marketing so effective?

As we mentioned at the beginning of the post, social media is used by more than 50% of people worldwide. Additionally, they use them for two hours and twenty-five minutes a day on average. These numbers indicate that you may target a large audience very easily when you include social media into your digital marketing approach. You can be losing out on thousands of supporters if you aren’t engaged on social media.

media marketing so effective

The success of social media may be seen in Vodafone’s recent launch of a new product line targeted at the 16–24 age group. The Institute of Data and Marketing notes in our open step regarding social media investment that when Vodafone invested in influencer marketing, their material was viewed.

What are the benefits of social media marketing?

Social media marketing offers a lot of advantages, but its main goal is to increase website traffic and brand recognition. In the end, this results in more clientele, followers, and commercial prosperity. But, as we’ll go over below, social media marketing also has some other noteworthy advantages.

Social media marketing lets businesses:

  • Attract big crowds at a low cost
  • Stay ahead of rivals
  • On the platform, offer goods and services for sale.
  • Make use of hashtags and demographics to target particular audiences
  • Establish a feeling of belonging
  • Maintain open communication with followers and offer client service
  • Examine consumer perception of the brand
  • University College London, or UCLThe Anthropology of Social Media and Why We Post

How to get started with social media marketing

In the field of social media marketing, there is much to learn and a variety of viewpoints to take into account. We’ll go over what a social media marketing strategy is, how to make one, how to organize your content, and how to interact with followers in order to simplify things for you.

What is a social media marketing strategy? 

Making a few social media accounts is one thing, but a social media marketing strategy is necessary if you want to really grow your company. This will be your comprehensive strategy for social media content, outlining your content policies, types of content to publish, advertising campaigns, and audience engagement tactics.

How to create a social media marketing strategy

Before you begin developing your social media marketing plan, there are a few things you should take into account. Many of the suggestions made by IDM on their open step for developing a campaign strategy apply to developing an overall plan. Among these suggestions are:

  • Consider business goals.What are your company’s primary objectives, and how will your social media strategy assist you in achieving them?
  • Think about campaign objectives. What particular goals do you have in mind for your next campaigns? Are you attempting to raise awareness, establish a community, or sell something? Discover how to Design a Social Media Marketing Campaign in our University of Leeds course.
  • Define social media objectives.Do you have any particular social media objectives in mind, such as a target number of followers or a target percentage of engagement?
  • Decide on a target audience. Who is the target market for your next campaign and social media accounts? Consider their region, age, gender, hobbies, attitudes, and the types of content they typically interact with.
  • Pick your channels.Which social media platforms should you concentrate on, and does each require a unique approach? Do you want to create enduring communities on social media, or are you interested in using them for a one-time campaign?

Try our How to Create a Social Media Strategy ExpertTrack by IDM to discover the fundamentals of social media strategy, content development, and social media campaign management, for additional information on how to design a successful social media marketing plan.

Engaging your social media followers

It’s critical to consider how your content will encourage, inspire, or incentivize your followers to become buyers of your goods or services. According to them, there are three key considerations to make when trying to engage followers:

  • Self-expression.Through tools like polls, sharing, and comments, your fans should be able to engage with you and your material and express themselves.
  • Personalisation. Your target market should be aware of how your brand affects their daily life and should find it easy to incorporate video material into their own websites, for example.
  • Community. cIt’s critical that your followers can communicate with one another and spread information to their networks. By publishing content that facilitates connections, you may support this kind of community.

How to plan your social media content

The six primary components of your plan are as follows:

  1. Key themes and messages.Choose your overarching message and consider if you want your main point to change every day or to grow and take the form of a story arc.
  2. Dates and times.Note all the many dates and occasions (like Pride or International Women’s Day) that could affect the material on your calendar. If you’re working with an international audience, you could also wish to divide each day into separate time periods or even different time zones. After that, you can choose the ideal times and dates for content posting.
  3. Platforms.Once you’ve determined your ideal window of time, you can choose the social media network that works best for each slot as well as the kind of material that fits best on that network. You might share a product photo on Instagram and a blog post on Facebook, for instance.
  4. Content type.Make a plan and list all the different kinds of content you want to post, such as articles, videos, and interviews. Once everything is in front of you, you can assess whether you have a decent mix of various material forms.
  5. Specific post copy. IIt can be helpful to draft the text of your posts in advance so that it’s an easy and quick procedure when they go live. If you don’t have precise language, you could use something like “Preparing for launch of new product” to indicate the general direction of the copy.
  6. Accompanying assets.Include any other resources you may have, like pictures, videos, or links, in the plan so you can share the information with other team members and have easy access to anything you need.

Top tips for social media content

We’ll wrap off with a few more excellent suggestions to take into account when putting material on social media as a component of your marketing plan. Among them are:

social media content

  • Utilize data and statistics to boost participation.
  • To accommodate everyone, include captions or subtitles for videos.
  • Use think pieces and interviews to tell stories.
  • Use polls and surveys to pose and respond to queries.
  • Include links in your posts when appropriate
  • Mix up your material by using gifs, videos, graphics, and photographs.

Final thoughts 

At the center of any digital marketing campaign is social media marketing, one of the most important instruments in any marketing strategy. It’s more crucial than ever to understand how to organize a social media marketing strategy because there are so many individuals using social media at once.

A social media marketing campaign is therefore one of the finest strategies to achieve a wider audience reach with a significantly better chance of conversions.

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