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Microcredentials: What are they? See our list of credentials.


Microcredentials: What are they?  Approximately 49% of UK workers are not qualified for their current positions. Unless we take action soon, the current trend of technological innovation advancing at a quicker pace is expected to continue.

What are they. See our list of credentials.

What thus can you do to maintain current training, advance professionally, and perhaps venture into new industries? More and more professionals are looking to higher education to enhance their skill sets and fill in gaps on their resumes.

Microcredentials can help with that. Professional certifications from FutureLearn are specialized online courses designed to help you advance your career.

What is a microcredential?

Vocational education is being redefined by microcredentials. You can learn as a member of a global community and rapidly and easily obtain professional credentials from any organization in the globe, whether you’re in Mumbai or Melbourne.

According to Astrid deRidder, vice president of content and learning at EdTech Wire, “a microcredential is a single, academic-credit-bearing course, much like a course you might take during a semester at a traditional university.”

“You study for a predetermined amount of time with a cohort of learners, but you are free to choose how much time you want to spend studying each week. There is a designated amount of time for students to engage with the teacher or other students.

“With a microcredential, you may get the same verified educational experience as you would from a typical university without having to deal with the hassles of applying or going to classes in person. Studying at your convenience will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge and abilities at any time.

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What does a microcredential involve?

We can work out more specifics now that you are aware of what a microcredential is. Thus, continue reading if you want to take charge of your own education and career!

Master your specialist subject area

We’ve identified talent needs in particular industries by collaborating with our professional and educational partners. In other words, every microcredential provides specialized instruction in a subject that we know will help candidates in their chosen field.

Master your specialist subject area

According to Astrid, “microcredentials are quite targeted, so you can master a subject rather than just learning the foundational material.” “Microcredentials are helpful in attesting to your experience in work environments, and many of them are suitable for scenarios involving ongoing professional development.”

Microcredentials are online programs created to provide you the career skills you need, whether you’re an entrepreneur hoping to start a fashion firm or a teacher looking to learn about classroom wellbeing.

Learn with prestigious institutions and organisations

Microcredentials are developed by professionals in the field and are overseen by esteemed educational establishments such as The Open University or prestigious corporations like Cisco Systems.

Learn with prestigious institutions and organisations

Organizations such as The Mind Lab and the Royal Photographic Society have also created certifications based on current research and thought processes.

Together with leaders in the field, you’ll get the chance to deepen your grasp of your field as you work through online practice tests and tutor-marked projects.

In essence, our microcredentials offer the ideal way to study at some of the world’s best universities without having to get a degree. Astrid explains, “You can do it from the comfort of your home, at a time that suits you. It’s the same as if you attend a semester’s worth of lectures in person, on campus.”

Study flexibly, at your own pace

Every microcredential is entirely conducted online. This implies that you can obtain a professional credential that is recognized without ever having to visit a school.

During your lunch break, you can view a laptop lecture, leave comments on a video, and engage in conversation with teachers and other students.

Flexible learning is the way of the future—learning at your own speed and on your own schedule. You can access content with FutureLearn in manageable portions without feeling overburdened or overworked.

Competitively priced online learning gives you the chance to change careers on your own terms if you’re already employed and have limited time and resources. One excellent illustration of this are our recognized online microcredentials.

What can I achieve with a microcredential?

One question may be on your mind while deciding whether or not to enroll in an online course. How will this help me? We’re here to quench your interest and demonstrate all the ways a microcredential may propel your career forward.

Upskill in a matter of weeks

Completing a lot of recognized courses can take years. However, you don’t have time to wait if you want to improve your resume in order to apply for a new position or broaden your skill set in your existing position.

Upskill in a matter of weeks

In just a few weeks, you can obtain academic credits with a microcredential. In less than two months, you can even study the fundamentals of a completely new career, such as project management and cyber security.

Earn academic credit that can be applied to a degree

Your microcredential can be utilized toward future higher education if you’re interested in continuing your education after receiving it.

Astrid says, “You’re learning from the best because microcredentials were developed by universities and academics who are specialists in their subjects.”

“You can apply the credit from this microcredential and shorten your overall academic journey if you later decide to return to full-time education to get a degree because our microcredentials carry academic credit.”

Receive a professional certificate for your CV

At EdTech Wire, we make sure that after completing a microcredential, you have something to show for yourself. A digital certificate is the ideal complement to your resume and will demonstrate to potential employers your abilities, work ethic, and determination.

Astrid continues, “Microcredentials are an excellent way to advance your knowledge and abilities while earning a credit and certificate that are recognized by academic institutions.”

Get closer to your dream job

According to 81% of respondents in our Future of Learning Report 2022 who had changed occupations since the pandemic began, their decision was aided by an online course.

In addition, we looked at whether companies will still value online education in 2021. We discovered that 75% of hiring managers said they depend on online courses and training resources to do their own work, and 58% of employers thought that employees with online degrees have higher earning potential.

The findings are therefore unambiguous: in addition to providing you with the necessary abilities, a microcredential can enhance your reputation with potential employers.

FAQs about microcredentials

It’s evident how beneficial a microcredential may be for someone trying to advance their education and experience. You could have some questions if you want to pursue a microcredential qualification. Let’s talk about some commonly asked questions to address any concerns you might have.

How much do microcredentials cost?

Our microcredentials range in price from £450 to £1000 for the most part, which is substantially less than many approved courses. This is due to our desire for a wide audience wishing to reskill or become experts in a subject to be able to attend our online programs.

How long do microcredentials take to complete?

Microcredentials are designed to fit into your schedule; they can be finished in as little as ten to fourteen weeks. But they do demand a lot of work.

“Microcredentials need additional time commitment—the majority take longer than eight weeks to complete. Astrid notes that the three main components that support deep learning are learning, production, and reflection. You will need to set up time for these activities.

“Since developing practical skills is a major focus of microcredentials, you might want to use our platform’s social learning features to supplement your education.”

How do I study for a microcredential?

We asked Astrid to provide her best study advice with anyone aiming to earn microcredentials. Although e-learning offers a great deal of flexibility, she believes it’s vital to try and set aside some devoted and consistent time.

“I always study on Saturday mornings for work like essays and analyses, and on Tuesday nights for reading materials, watching lectures, and getting a first exposure to new ideas.” However, a microcredential’s best feature is that I can change it around as needed.

What are the most popular microcredentials?

We offer an amazing selection of microcredentials. Cyber Security Operations (Cisco) is one of our most well-liked microcredentials, where you may gain expert knowledge to react to and stop assaults.

Among our other popular microcredentials are Fashion Business, where students study fashion management with Institut Français de la Mode, and Digital Photography, where you can hone your genre and style of photography.

Which microcredentials are closing soon?

Enroll in these microcredentials as soon as possible to avoid missing out on the chance to advance your career!

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